Home page


2012-06 Objective-C: Concepts | Language | Syntax | Runtime Reference |
OpenGL | Chapter 4
St Thomas Summer 2011 see Google Docs
2012-06 Physics Mass Spring Engine from Peter Sonnek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBbwPKnqD5U
2012-06 SoundCloud.com from triangulation and try with flipboard.com
2012-06 ting.com phone co; path.com small social
2012-06 mattdeezytv Green Goblin Freestyle Matty D dulcmang
http://scottishtreats.com from wee john neighbor with the mitsubishi electric
http://www.ptrackapp.com App for Satellite tracking
BLND PG Also see Google Drive with Mina’s version. Lillian’s song about Blind Pig without I’s from Lisa Carchedi
www.ariainafrica.blogspot.com Aria Guaruni (Carchedi) Article
http://luminosity.com Keep your brain in practice
http://douglasjrost-paintings.com father of Matt Rost from Toyota Fremont

59 links 2011/10/08


Long Term TODO 2011-07-30

Find and install an app on Mom’s computer so that I can work on it (GotoMeeting, FLOSS communication program (http://jitsi.org/,) remote desktop and calls (like skype)

Irrelevant and irreverant

Jerry Lynn Williams—songwriter “Running on Faith”

Digitize Records or Buy

Jimmy Cliff
Black and Blue by The Rolling Stones
Little Wing by Stevie Ray Vaughan

Holiday 2010-11

look into arduino
have sushi with Jeff and Loretta on thursday at mimo
Play on guitar or keyboard Running on Faith
nancy backup and carbonite
Linux ubuntu, centos, astaro
Digitize records (see Music)
Ride Bikes
Go to Santa Cruz and visit Glenn
xo laptop: fix screen
visit John Giasi and Chris in Grass Valley (and look at his forbidden planet)
Kyack or canoe with Drew, maybe on the Elkhorn slough in Moss Landing
HTML programming: learn CSS and PHP and set up blogs and ruby on rails; XHR XMLHttpRequest
Dec 28 Schedule health appointment


maybe this would work for windows to help with Mom’s computer.

  • ubuntu remove firewall

linux ubuntu

  • AppGet for packages; angela says use Synaptic (should be there)
  • install client version
  • open up firewall
  • install open shd
  • sound card: get driver
  • dual boot: reinstall with partitioning options (maybe * 3 partitions (windows, centos, ubuntu

Life after Kiwanis

  • put ubuntu on linux box; maybe use as backup or protection (astaro) or maybe website outside the firewall.
  • Port stellarium to XO laptop
  • Fix XO laptop
  • go to science lecture with Glen
  • go to the academy of sciences at golden gate park
  • learn perl
  • learn PHP
  • learn python
  • matt’s web site (godaddy.com gottamakeit.com)
  • google blogspot for Matt’s web

Computer Examples

  • HP G62x series $500 +50 for ATI Mobility Radeon 5470 (512 MB 80 piplines at 750 MHz Ram?) 5.5 lbs 800/1066 MHz memory bus
  • Toshiba from Office Max
  • Lenovo Fry’s with hdmi and SATA $600
  • cnet.com
  • Tomshardware.com

Buying a computer for Matt 2010-11-26

  • Alex may want 14 inch, Matt probably wants 15 inch
  • Processor:
    • Intel I3
    • AMD dual processor (phenom has ati 256 MB independent graphics)
  • l2 cache (512 KB on cheap one); i3 has 3 MB L3 cache
  • good graphics ($50 extra for HP; extra board too expensive reasonably priced)1,366×768 or 1600×900
  • 4GB DDR3 RAM; some ddr3 is faster than others
  • Wireless N
  • bluetooth: no?
  • 500 GB drive (not necessary)
  • Battery life
  • Weight 5.5 lbs for 15 in;
  • Windows 7 home premium 64 bit
  • 15.6 inch screen
  • No Microsoft Office
  • No Norton/McAfee
  • Web Cam/Card Reader
  • 17 inch Backpack Carrying Case ($31.87 from HP)
  • HDMI and SATA external interface

New List

Run ethernet to Downstairs and matt, Alex, and garage 2010-11-20
Check into ethernet over 110 v power 2010-11-20

IRC Chat

Used xchat2 as suggested by wiki.twit.tv. Connected to
  1. irc.twit.tv /join #twitlive, #offline get client;
    # irc.freenode.net: #fosevents, #geekniks, #linuxoutlaws, make your own ##geekwannabe

Was able to telnet irc.twit.tv 6667 or irc.freenode.net

email and links

http://dulcan.home.comcast.net Dulcan Home web page with a few photos
photograph (pictures) storing and sharing:
“Pandora Personalized Radio” http://pandora.com
http://seattleartmuseum.org Michele’s museum
http://teranode.com Mike’s job in Semantic web
kristinchicago at http://flickr.com Birds, etc
nancy site:http://dulcan.backpackit.com/pub/378891 Search on google within this site for nancy
http://www.inbflat.net/ from freebsdgirl on twitter
Cult TV man Giasi Forbidden Planet C-57D

GVJohn (Altair4) Video

http://www.firstbargain.com/ Caleb Perkins auction site
DIY http://opensourceecology.org/ Marcin_Jakubowski from Ted Talks Opens Source machines (tractors, microwaves, etc)
http://ehow.com dryer fuse replacement, etc
http://join.me to share your computer desktop for free

Hikes and Bikes

http://openspace.org/preserves/pr_fremont.asp near rnacho san antonio (Glenn April 2011)
Rancho Sn Antonio
Mission Peak
pleasanton ridge
Henry Coe (both sides including lottery)
http://meetup.com for hikes and other events from Glenn http://www.meetup.com

Hints 21 Nov 2009



Alex: Video input for the MAC
Drew: MP3 Player or at least a burned CD with Talk and Music
Nancy: GPS for Hiking
cathy had garmin (620?) $300:
color screen
better interface for putting in numbers for geo caching
better battery life
better connection to satellite
Magellan Triton 400 $180 at Fry’s
Other Features:
Mystery Books: Steve Perry (Cotton Malone), Louise Penny (Armand Gamache), Joseph Wambaugh, Ken Bruen
Tennis: Visor, Towell,
Kitchen: Towells, Paper Towell holder
kindle:amazon, best buy, target’ on ipod it said to maile to dulcan_10@kindle.com; I emailed honor herrington to dulcan@kindle.com
poem/song: Joe Cocker “You are so beautiful to me”; “I’m Not in love, so don’t forget it, it’s just a silly phase I’m going through”
electronic picture frame
Scitable for science education
Jan 26 perfume
Jan 26 monocular from big 5
Jan 23 coffee cup with cats picture

How is this different than a list? 24 Dec 2005

Maybe this is displayed so that it doesn’t take up as much room: It has a date.
“Pandora Personalized Radio” http://pandora.com

Ideas 18 Jun 2006

  • Shaver that Leaves a Clint Eastwood look
  • Cooling or Water Blanket: to cool you in the summer (like a heating blanket only cooling) Could just fill with water; connect to refrigeration all night; on top of or below person.
  • Integrated blue tooth ear piece as a unit in the phone so it doesn’t break when in your pocket. (This has now come out).
  • Use maker bot for printing prototype, SLA format (FLOSS weekly Nov 2009)
  • auto shutoff disk for flashlights 2012-12-28 (documented 2012-12-29 2:47 PM pacific time)
    Names for a Story:
  • Death is my Bodyguard (Chris Henshaw)
Standing on the shoulders of shrimps
  • bureaucrats
  • aoutmatic shtuoff disk; sense input and a different disk for each batery size; or one size fits all would be better; attach to battery?
  • drafters
  • calculator operators
  • old technology lovers
  • Fly an IPOD (Corina Hu)
Names for a web site:
  • PassionateButNoOneCares space in file names, CRLF, improper use of gerunds
Business Ideas
  • Have a falafel franchise sharing donut shops that close at 1:00. The rent is wasted in the afternoon and evening for a donut shop. Or find some other afternoon and night business with minimal equipment.
Maker Fair (5/22/2010)
  • Make statues of people with the maker bot
  • Static Ball, spark generator, Van der Graff; Tesla; Jacob’s Ladder
  • Hirschorn string and tube sculpture
  • Mobile with motor that pulls and releases strings so that cylinder weights go up and down.
  • grow Algae for food http://gravity.com/mf-algae
Leo Laporte
  • “I can go on and on” in a commercial means that he ran out of things to say
Open source hardware
  • USB device that acts like a keyboard which send a key stroke every 5 minutes. Sell for $5.
  • Use overtone, which is a framework built with closure to play music and sounds with the supercollider synthesizer from FLOSS weekly in January 2012.
    • make Sounds
    • Make RAP beats
    • Computer Generated song

Keep Alive for VPN

  • See above open source hardware for keep alive USB keybord simulator
  • Program to send keystrokes from one computer to another over a USB cable http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1095518.html maybe this can talk to itself. Actually, this link provides a local keyp ress program on linux.

Maker Faire 2011-05-22


More Ideas

  • Stitch together photo for a 3d object: solidsmack.com, meshlab,microsoft photosynth, 3dsom.com $1500
    • Maybe there is a service that would convert it/
  • Translate to SLA format
  • Create head with makerbot.
  • Attach to bobble head base
  • Could also be used with icing for the top of a wedding cake
  • A 3D ice sculpture
MakerBot Write RSS Reader Client
  • for the PC or linux which will download everything in the list after the specified date. Use cURL or wget.

More 3D Printing Links (RepRap and MakerBot)


http://processing.org for programming from FLOSS Weekly
arduino, circuits
  • talking bike gears
Sounds for Geekspeak intro automatic creation
  • Chords, scale
  • My own Classes, then in separate files, then in jar
  • My own sampling functions (random)
  • Play multiple tracks (drums,background wind; melody)
  • Percussion
  • Other noises
  • Change interval from pow(2.0,1.0/12.0) 1.0594631
  • How to time the beat; may have to use interrupts
  • Class WaveShaper java.lang.Object extended by ddf.minim.ugens.UGen extended by ddf.minim.ugens.WaveShaper
  • blended chords; chord transition

Computer Investgations

backpack: try using api
AJAX on-line calculator
web sort (resort m31, by project or alpahbetic, start with names
find out about text messaging
make a web app that I can email to: subect is topic, body is item, use number to sort (1 is top, large number is bottom,etc)
ajax dynmic web
rss feed for odonnel
http://www.krugle.com/ search engine for code 2/18/06
blue tooth for computer so I can use the same ear piece as the cell phone
verizon picture message: send picture dulcan@alum.mit.edu, not dulcana@vzwpix.com, not dulcana@vtext.com
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Alvin_hints_and_questions Alvin wiki page for OLPC, One Laptop Per Child
windows live: http://skydrive.live.com 25 GB of disk for kiwanis storage
skydrive from Microsoft: gladinet and sdexplorer allows access
http://www.rockbox.org/ for Open Source mp3 firmware, but I want for my cell phone LG VX8360: get mp3 to remember where it is. from FLOSS weekly episode 38 http://twit.tv/floss38
friend feed for notes on FLOSS eekly and other http://twit.tv shows
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_%28programming_language%29 Recommended by Glenn for statistics and graphics as an alternative to MatLab or http://processing.org
KaleidaGraph recommended by ‘Futures in Biotech’ (FiB), hosted by Marc Pelletier
google wave (wave guide user’s guide) http://completewaveguide.com/ gina triponi from TWIG
$950 SLA with lego plastic makerbot http://www.makerbot.com/
do a mashup like glenn; need to get a website where I can do php/mysql: LAMP
write an android app
IRC chat; used xchat2 as suggested by wiki.twit.tv. Connected to
* irc.twit.tv /join #twitlive, #offline get client; try telnet
# irc.freenode.net: #fosevents, #geekniks, #linuxoutlaws, make your own ##geekwannabe
Open Wonderland virtual reality open source (FLOSS) http://openwonderland.org/ 2010-06-12
Web site frameworks: Wordpress (probably just a creation program), Ruby on Rails, Django. LIFT on ubuntu (shot of jaq), Drupal
FLOSS graphics: libre graphics magazine inkscape, blender, gimp, (from linux outlaws 191 interviews)
Joget Workflow Management from FLOSS 2011-03-23
doubletwist, iTUNES replacement
Windows XP Command Line Tools including process list
http://adafruit.com Open Source Hardware
http://littlebits.cc is an open source library of electronic magnetic parts
Dec 29 protopage http://www.protopage.com/v2 (ken gamble)


Spencer Tracy
Katherine Hepburn
Orson Wells
Potich 2011-05-07
Largo Winch (foreign) 2011-05-07


My Year in Iraq L. Paul Bremer III
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, Contributing Editor to /National Review Online/ and author of A War Like No Other: How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian War, examines the sticky situation with Iran.
Camera Books from geekspeak: Digital Photography Pocket Guide from O’Reilly.
Wicked Cool PERL Scripts from O’Reilley
make: magazine from O’Reilley
The JavaScript Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks from Cameron Adams (geekspeak may 27, 2006)
James Fennemore Cooper: Last of the Mohicans
Edgar Allen Poe: Telltale Heart
High Stakes
Show Stopper
Soul of the New machine
Take Charge of Your Child’s Sleep: The All in One Resource for Solving Sleep Problems in Kids and Teens
http://www.teach12.com/ history courses richard gelbard 3/24/07
Stranger in a Strange Land Heinlein
Peter F. Hamilton: Fallen Dragon and (Pandora Star and sequel)
Snow Crash by Peter Hamilton (Science Fiction recommended by Leo)
Stephenson: Quicksilver Trilogy
Lost Soldiers James Webb
Greg Egan: Science Fiction
Kathleen Anne Gunan: In War Times
Ghandi and Churchill 6/09/08
On Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins, inventor of palm SN101 7/30/07
Einstein, His life and Universe by Walter Isaacson
Maximilian, Prince of Wied’s Travels in the Interior of North America, 1832-1834 illustrated by Karl Bodmer: from Jefferson Hour.org
Robinson Cruso by William Defoe
Alcohol Can Be A Gas! by David Blume Ethanol and cattails, etc
A Short History of Nearly Everything: Bill Bryson
Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne recommended by Jefferson
Montesquieu, Spirit of the Law from Thomas Jefferson.
Andrea Palladio, The Four Books of Architecture from Jefferson
Francis Bacon from Jefferson
John Locke from Jefferson
Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA, Unabridged, By Tim Weiner,
The All new Electronics Self Teaching Guide (Barnes and Noble) http://BuildingGadgets.com http://UnderstandingNano.com
Wireless Telecom FAQs (Barnes and Noble)
The ARRL Antenna Book: The Ultimate Reference for Amateur Radio Antennas, Transmission Lines And Propagation (Arrl Antenna Book) $40 for paperback
The ARRL Antenna Book: The Ultimate Reference for Amateur Radio Antennas, Transmission Lines And Propagation (Arrl Antenna Book) by American Radio Relay League (Paperback – May 1, 2007 amazon.com
http://www.antennex.com/ for ham radios login:wild@yahoo
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn
The Invention of Air by Steven Johnson (Joseph Priestly from @SciFri)
PCI System Architecture (4th Edition) (PC System Architecture Series)
Gore Vidal book on Lincoln
A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy, by William B. IRVINE (Richard Gelbard)
Demon Under The Microscope – From Battlefield Hospitals To Nazi Labs, One Doctor’s Heroic Search For The World’s First Miracle.. by Thomas Hager
Ultra Low Power BioElectronics by Rahul Sarpeshkar(from Futures in BioTech in March, 2010)
Greetings from Iraq by Garrett Yee, Kiwanis speaker
Self Comes To Mind, neurologist Antonio Damasio from Science Friday
Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chrenow, suggested by Ken Gamble
kindle at target or best buy
10/11 :$79
- $139 (114 with ads) vs $189 3G
- expensive to buy books but can borrow from library by 8/2011
- convenient
Mark Russinovich “Zero Day” http://www.zerodaythebook.com/
Quantum Man by Lawrence Krauss about Richard Feynman
A History of Britain: At the Edge of the World, 3500 B.C.-1603 A.D Vol1, from TV Show by Simon Schama (from History of Rome podcast)
Game of Thrones (first in a series, also a movie)
Innocence abroad Mark Twain (recommended by Sandra)
V., Thomas Pynchon (already read Gravity’s Rainbow)
“Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World”, Jack Weatherford recommended by Ken Gamble
Modernist Quisine cookbook using new techniques (e.g. sous vide and liquid nitrogen) advanced
The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health by T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell II, Howard Lyman and John Robbins (May 11, 2006) Recommended by Richard
Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen originally written as part of National Novel Writing Month
superFreakanomics about solutions to World Problems from JT http://abcnews.go.com/Story?id=8890846&page=2
Viral Storm recommended by JT
Dec 17 on basilisk station, first Honor Herrington book
Oct 8 The Alchemy of Air: A Jewish Genius, a Doomed Tycoon, and the Scientific Discovery That Fed the World but Fueled the Rise of Hitler by Thomas Hager (Aug 18, 2009) Haber-Bosch nitrogen fixing
Oct 8 Red Mars (Green and Blue, too) by Kim Stanley Robinson

Alex Books

Dune frank herbert
Cryptonomicon by Neil Stephenson
I Am Legend, Unabridged, By Richard Matheson,
Neverwhere, Unabridged, By Neil Gaiman
Demons under the Microscope recommended for Alex by Mike Cox of Anaerobe Systems (Reg neighbor)
Michael McCollum http://scifi-az.com Antares
Lucifer’s Hammer by Jerry Pournelled and larry Niven
Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins Of The Internet: Katie Hafner (Security Now)
Apr 23 Alchemy of Air by Thomas Haegar (see below)
Apr 23 The Mote in God’s Eye by Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven
Apr 23 Michael McCollum http://scifi-az.com Gibralter Earth, Sun, and Stars


Line Rider
http://assault.cubers.net/ first person free shooter game: pc, linux, and mac
http://bzflag.org/ Open Source Tank Game

Music: Digitize Records or Buy

beggar’s banquet
harder they come
Songs: sweet jane, stairway to heaven, free bird, while my guitar gently weeps, ittle Wing by Stevie Ray Vaughan
mcarthur’s park by maynard fergueson (MFHORN3?)
Let it Bleed
Black and Blue by The Rolling Stones
Jimmy Cliff
Dec 26 Buy Turntable
Jul 26 tommy

Music/Sounds Development

  • Ubuntu Studio distribution with XFCE instead of GNOME 3 or Unity Dell P4 for $100 on ebay, low latency
  • FOSS Audio
  • Packages
    • Pulse Audio
    • JACK: recursive acronym for the Jack Audio Connection Kit, low-latency audio transport in Linux (qjack control)
  • audacity: modify MP3s, used with turntable
  • MP3GainGUI: change the volume of an mp3 file
  • mp3splt: to split mp3 files into smaller parts
    mp3splt d39.mp3 190.0 EOF -o d190-eof
    mp3splt -S4 d190-eof.mp3


  • Wah Jee Wah near Dale Hardware in Fremont (Prashant)
  • Pakwan in Irvington
  • Mirchi in Irvington (Lisa Lucia, Richard father, Bob uncle)
Cantankerous Fish in Mountain View

Home Computing

perl remote processes on windows
local perl network Copy this link to the URL location. it will not link to the local drive.
remote processes on windows
voice recognition
voice generation
video digiize; premier elements, ipod
lego xmas lights
voice command to laptap, which emails to backpack
comcast: look into free mcafee
look into picassa for photo organization (Google)
video ipod problems:
  • converter: videora ipod converter
  • video display is fixed with output to TV off and widescreen settings
  • output to TV does not work with new cable
look into backpack api
need shared action item list for work
collapsible list (sholud be easy with javascript)
laptop recall on battery recall
R3000 P/N DP533AV S/N CND505104C
Battery S/N:
http://dvice.com for tech info
http://www.monoprice.com/ for cables (Leo Laport)
- FM 75 OHM Impedance Antenna
- HDMI for Cable: digital
- TCP/IP 100 foot thru attic
- Component for DVD: RGB video + 2 sound
- S-Video for PC to TV: 2 video signals, no sound
- Composite (not needed): 1 video signal + 2 sound
- Male to Male stereo headphone jack
http://www.gnucash.org instead of quicken
http://processing.org for graphics and organizing data and learning porgraming; scientific display
http://www.arduino.cc/ for programming machines; uses processing
youtube video (flv) download and convert to mp3: http://www.flv2mp3.com/ susan boyle
mp3 to ringtone: http://mixertones.com
jungle disk: to use amazon s3 data as disk space
Insteon: Home automation technology
information: text 46645 (GOOGL) name city state (or zip)
on line editor: writele.com delic.i.us.com
siteadvisor to warn of bad sites, eg from google
cURL, a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax. similar in some ways to wget but more powerful and programmable. wget should be able to download a web site.FLOSS
get a google wave account and find out what it is about 12/30/09
investigate ubutu quickly development and release environment (shot of jaq)
wget is installed at c:\sox-14.2.0

Computer Management Tools

msconfig, for windows startup
SpinRite for dsik maintenance and recovery at http://grc.com
disk cleanup in XP: right click on disk
SpaceMonger (1.4 is free from cnet) to manage disk space (Leo Laporte) I used this. It shows boxes proportional to the disk space and was very effective at cleaning.
DriveMapper another disk management tool (Steve Gibson)
defrag in windows right click on c: and select tools
defrag tool: vopt (from Steve Gibson) $40
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, for a full scan: Start, Run, mrt. Log file is in c:\windows\debug\mt.log
cario firewall from sunbelt software
Spyware/Adware Prevention Programs:
  • http://www.malwarebytes.org/
  • adaware
  • windows defender
  • spybot search and destroy
  • webroot
  • counterspy3 at downloads.com
  • Microsoft Security Essentials
  • Microsoft Software Removal Tool (MSRT, us the command mrt from Start Run)
  • Microsoft Safety Scanner can find root kits but it is better on a bootable CD or USB drive)
media server:
http://www.howtohaven.com/system/createwindowssetupdisk.shtml can be used to create a bootable windows disk with Microsoft Safety Scanner
foxit: pdf reader suggested by lapaorte on sn243
http://kb.mozillazine.org/MozBackup for migration of thunderbird (and firefox) data to a new computer

home todo

rubbing compound on car
put in autodial phone numbers on new phone
put firewall on thehawk; and maybe the mcaffee from comcast
Kaiser Insurance for Chiropractic 2009-01-17
Karcher pressure washer 2009-01-17
Update AM/FM quality of Car Stereo at Jr’s Car Stereo 37246 fremont bonde way north of the tracks to the east 1/1/10

work todo

dreamweaver request
create search on m31
Brown Bag Lunch: convert video to mp3
calendar email to pager


buy magnesium 500 mg to balance out calcium (50/50?)
look into headaches for alex
beta sito sterol (davalle and Dr dawn) and polycosanol are two plant sterols that are good for lowering cholesterol. Nature made cholest off contains plant sterols and stanols http://www.naturemade.com
Susan Ober (from payload next to Tina) recommends DHEA and adrenal therapy to help with tiredness
- davalle vitamins supplement 2/08/06:- EFA Roex (fish oil and others)- WOW ROEX- Probiotics (ROES colon essentials)- MCM- beta sita sterol (cholesterol and prostate)- Grape SEed Extract (pyro…)- calcium/magnesium (citrate .. not calcium carbonate)- hyluronic acid helps prevent skin and joing aging and repairs (mosturizes)- msm methyl sulfuric methan especially in capsule powder 1000 mg; 300 mg per day.
4/28/07 Dr Dawn and Dr Burt Burkson
  • treating cancer with low level Naltrexone
  • Hepattitus c:alpha-lipoic acid, silenium,and Silymarin and vitamin B complex for liver. also good for diabedtes
  • alpha lipoic acid is also good for lupus and rhumatoid arthritis
    5/31/07 anti-oxidents green tea
    Kaiser 2010-12-29 510-248-3055, 510-795-3055 advice/appointments
    2011-01-21 Yin Qiao Chinese Medicine for sore throats and cough Dr Dawn
    Anti Inflammatory:
    • Fish Oil
    • circumin (tumeric) brand name begins with x or y
    2013-11-25 Dr Dawn 5000 milligrams before activity d-Ribose to reduce muscle ache a day or two after exercise (helps mitochondria?)
    Sep 4 buy efa or fish oil nacy bought fish oil 8/06. We may still need efa.

    Health Supplements 8 Feb 2006

    From Don Davalle 2/08/06:
    • EFA Roex (fish oil and others)
    • WOW ROEX
    • Probiotics (ROES colon essentials)
    • MCM
    • beta sita sterol (cholesterol and prostate)
    • Grape Seed Extract (pyro…)
    • calcium/magnesium (citrate .. not calcium carbonate)
    • hyaluronic acid: Purity Products
    • Vitamin D (25 hydroxy-D test)
    • L-Arginine (see google docs health_misc)

    Mom’s Health

    • SVT Supraventricular tachycardia
    • Atrial Fibulation

    Bucket List

    See the Pyramids along the Nile
    Rebuild an engine
    Build a house
    Learn to sing harmony (I want to be a PIP)
    Make a computer generated song program (with http://Processing.org)
    Write an Android App
    Build an arduino device
    Nov 29 Write an iPOD touch/iPHONE app: Finished Happy An in May, 2012; started in December 2011
    Nov 29 Write the Great American Novel: Sometimes a Great Landing, November 2012